14 May, 2013

30 Day Writing Challenge: Get Ready!

There are so many beautiful and inspiring ideas in the world, they begin with you. But bringing these ideas to life can be one of the most challenging aspects a writer will face. Especially when you want to convey particular emotions without a clear voice. I still have this challenge and do you want to know why? It's because I don't know as much about me as I think I do. Think about it, if you can't designate the basics of your life, how in the world will you convey those emotional experiences to your readers? Well, you can't.

So, starting June 1st - June 30th, we are going to explore ourselves, our history; we are going to spend 30 consecutive days writing about things we never think about. We are going to dig deeper into ourselves by evaluating our past, what we learned from it, and what we expected out of the future. Doesn't this sound like so much fun? I cannot wait to get started. I hope you will join me.

Searching for Bloggers like me?

Pledge the 30 Day Writing Challenge

1. Comment in the box below with your:

  • Name (Alias)
  • Blog Link
  • A Short Bio

2. "Like" my page or follow me on Twitter

Seriously, that is all you need to do. I ask for this information so that I may follow your blog/site as well. I love reading peoples ideas, thoughts, histories, pains, etc. If you do not have a blog or are uncomfortable sharing your information, no worries. Just write along with us in your journal at home.

Win by Writing with James

Sorry, there is no monetary value at hand. However, the top 5 bloggers who participate 100% will be featured on my blog with a custom made button directed to their site. I can't wait to see what you all have in store. Stay posted for updates and the writing challenges. Thanks, and good luck!

1 comment:

  1. Jason

    I love your blog James. You've put your personality and heart into this and that shows. I can't wait to see what else you have in store. Guess that's not really a bio, but to heck with that. I'm a guy that loves photography. Short and sweet. :D
