18 May, 2013

How to Basics of Creating a Writing Porfolio

The online media is taking the world by storm. Freelancers are now the desired choice for marketing firms, legal firms, and many other businesses. As a writer, it is extremely important that you keep an updated portfolio to show on your social media sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. It is time for you to take the next step and get paid for what you love to do. Don't hesitate, it's necessary and not as difficult as you may think.

P.S. I will be making one in the near future and I'll post photos and videos on how I did it. I am going to create step-by-step posts on creating an online portfolio as well.

1. Categorize Work

The beginning stage to creating a portfolio is categorizing your work. Go through every memory box and folder on your computer. Compile a list of websites you have written for, even if your own. You should categorize your work into several key components.

  • Commercial
  • Creative
  • Fiction
  • Memoir
  • Essays
  • Reviews
  • Editorial
  • Biography

This is an example of my outlined portfolio. I will go more into detail in future posts. Only showcase your best work. You need to show your range as a writer. Also, it is okay to add sub-categories if you are pitching your work to a specific company.

2. Edit

You need to proofread your selected portfolio material over and over again. I cannot stress this enough. Grammatical errors are unacceptable. The flow of your content needs to be consistent. No misplaced words. No company will hire you if your writing is not clear, concise, descriptive and fresh.

3. Style your Portfolio

Now comes the fun part, shopping!!! Visit your local office supply store to pick out a portfolio you would like. This is your career at stake, so do not skimp on a high school binder. Leather-bound portfolios can be costly but they are effective and professional. 

4. Arrange your Work

Now you can start placing your work in the your portfolio. Use every creative liberty you possess, but make sure you keep it professional. Unless your applying to be Chucky Cheese's content writer. 

5. Know your Work

99% of the time you will find yourself speaking with potential clients about your work. You will need to KNOW your work so that you may convey that message to their businesses; how will your personality shine through their business? Practice your pitch on family members, friends, and even other bloggers online.

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