18 May, 2013

Meditation for Writers

Meditation is not only a science of the mind, it is an art of focusing your attention on one particular thing. It is the practice of control and the experience of solitude. Have you ever gone a day in your life in complete serenity? Assuming not, this is why meditation for beginners can be extremely hard and it will take a lot of time and effort.

What you must realize, when first practicing the art of meditation, the addiction of distraction is your worst enemy, especially for writers. We are constantly wracking our brains for new ideas, thoughts, solutions. I began meditating to help me sleep, become complacent, and relax. Let's walk through a few steps to help you increase your concentration and decrease the anxiety that surrounds you.

1. Atmosphere

It is essential to choose a place for meditation that is inviting to your inner self. If you should meditate indoors, pick a room without a clock and minimal decor. When practicing the art of meditation as a beginner it is mandatory to remove items that may distract you including your cell phone, photos on the wall, and modern music.

Since you are a beginner, music can be helpful to your practice if used correctly. It is recommended that you use nature sounds because they enhance the elemental feeling of connection. If you are a visionary, find a song that relates to the purpose of your meditation. This way, you can allow the song to capture your essence and bring you to the realization that you are searching for. I prefer Celtic or rain music.

2. Practice 

Most of the time we begin things and fail to finish them because we get frustrated with the outcome. This is why it is necessary to set aside a special time every day so that you may progress in your meditative practice. When beginning the art, most of us assume that we should all sit like Yogi the Bear. No. Take some time to experiment with different poses until you find one that is comfortable for you.

When you find that perfect meditation pose, you will begin to hear your breath. When all is still, you will notice frustration creep up on you like a nest of spiders. It is at this point that you must really practice your breathing exercises.

Breathing deep slows the heart rate, relaxes the muscles and focuses the mind. In the beginning you will find that focus is your worst enemy, but practice will help you find a crutch that will release your inhibitions and frustrations.

3. Find A Purpose 

Some people begin the practice of meditation to only achieve the out of body experience. Well, without a purpose for that specific experience, there is no chance of feeling that sensation. If you meditate without a purpose then the addiction of distraction will overcome you.

Concentration is necessary for the art of  meditation and it is with purpose that you will be able to connect with your inner self. Meditation for beginners can be stressful, but if your purpose for seeking serenity is genuine, you will quickly learn the art and become familiar with your powerful spirit.

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