09 May, 2013

What I Learned from Belle

Art Credited to Amy Elizabeth

When I was 16 years old I had the opportunity to join the Zion Youth Symphony Orchestra. Oh, what a pleasure that was. After our Bon Voyage concert we performed at Disney Land. In which we had the pleasurable opportunity of recording over the timeless classic Beauty and the Beast. Being able to work with an original music script by Alan Menkin was one of the greatest experiences of my life.

Traditionally, the first known version of Beauty and the Beast was written in French in 1756 by Jeanne-Marie le Prince de Beaumont. In 1991 the infamous Disney classic was released, continuing the talents and dreams of one of the worlds greatest heroes; Walt Disney.  Now, the story has become renowned for its magic on film and on stage. Very few people, myself included, forget the memorable characters it portrays. I believe that his story holds many valuable truths and timeless messages that apply to all of us.

Be Your Own Creation

Belle teaches us the value of following our hearts and becoming who we believe we are created to be. During the French Revolution, women who educated themselves outside of social status were mocked and considered, well, odd. Granted, I am no woman, but many people assume that my social status as a man entails the alpha male persona. I couldn't be farther from that expectation. Education is my passion. Though I may not have much to show for it, I believe that one day it will pay off.

The Golden Rule

Did you ever noticed how kind and just Belle was with every person she interacted with. Unafraid to speak the truth, unafraid to do what's right. We see this first act when she freely gives her life for her fathers. I can't imagine how horribly fearful she must have felt. Belle has always been one of my heroines and it is her genuity and unfettered kindness that inspires me to be better. Always treat others the way you wish to be treated.

The Heart Sees More than the Eyes

Had Belle refused to look past the physical appearance of the Beast, she clearly would have missed out on the most important part of her life; something more. But, disregarding the Beasts form, she looked into his heart. What an amazing world it would be if we all took the patience to learn of others this way. Love is not the opposite of hate, it is indifference. 

We Accept the Love we Feel we Deserve

Can you imagine if Belle had accepted Gaston's proposal for marriage. Granted, her social status would have risen considerably within the village. While many women were swooning over the towns catch, Belle refused to comply. She was a beautiful, smart girl, with the hope for true love. Belle taught me that there is no substitute for true love. And if you waist your chance for happiness on the expectations of others, you will be lonely for the rest of your life.

Two more small bits of advice, if you don't take anything from this story at least remember to control your temper. And, "if it ain't baroque, don't fix it." Even if you've seen the show before, watch it again. Remember the dreams and ambitions you set for yourself. Remember the importance of genuine kindness. Look for the good and mystery in the world. Don't wait for it. Follow your heart.

Art Credited to Amy Elizabeth

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