10 May, 2013

Writing Prompt: Describe Your Favorite Color to A Blind Person

Okay, it is no secret that I love to write. Recently I have had much time to reflect on stories I have started and realized I was missing something; passion. All writers begin with a dream, they want to create the next best seller. But there is a problem with that, what is your work truly worth if there is no conviction or relation?

Well, I have a solution to that problem. I am going to explore writing on my blog and share writing prompts to help you get started. Even more so, in the future we will explore important topics together that help a writer reach their fullest potential. Good luck! And remember, writing is about you, not about anyone else. Even though Stephen King has some book bombs, they are still his diary; his life. Make your stories personable and the readers will follow.

Describe Your Favorite Color to A Blind Person

Yellow is the color of exasperating joy. It is the color of the soul that makes one appreciate even the simplest of smiles. Yellow is sour but never leaves your taste wanting for anything sweet. It never leaves you troubled or threatened. Yellow is the color of accomplishment with the knowledge of being proud, yet humble. It is the fragrance of an old book not opened for decades. Yellow is gritty and feels like warm sand between your toes. It illustrates the melody of life with a gentle buzz. Yellow hums in the wind and shines even the darkest of places.

Let's Review:

Clearly, when writing this prompt it is important to remember that blind people cannot see with their eyes.  Yes, that is repetitive but it bears repeating. They utilize their other senses to see the color being described to them. Therefore we cannot use sight words.

1. Emotions: yellow is the color of exasperating joy; it is the color of the soul that makes one appreciate even the simplest of smiles.

Emotions are so important to literature, especially if you're describing something to someone who cannot see it. It doesn't matter how silly your emotions sound, if that's the way you feel than you should write it down.

2. Taste: yellow is sour but never leaves your taste wanting for something sweet.

Did you see what I did there? I chose a taste that is commonly associated with my favorite color. Therefore it is easy to relate to and recall.

3. Touch: Yellow is gritty and feels like warm sand between your toes.

One of the most difficult things for writers to clearly write about is touch. They tend to use too many adjectives. Trust me, I was the same way. Be clear, be concise.

4. Smell: It is the fragrance of an old book not opened for decades.

Now, I took a leap using this metaphor of smell for my color. Others may associate different colors with an old book. But it is personable. Yellow is my favorite color and I love the smell of old books. It would make sense for me to utilize that metaphor.

5. Sound: It illustrates the melody of life with a gentle buzz. Yellow hums in the wind and shines even the darkest of places.

This one was little hard for me. Clearly, when reading this, the word buzz makes you think of bees, maybe even a hummingbird.

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